Morticia's Boootique still has yet to make a sale :( But I won't give up hope.
Soon I will posting a vblog about the winner of my last giveaway. I didn't want to cough up a lung while doing it...and since I have been coughing nonstop for the last week or so I felt it could wait until I was feeling better.
Halloween is in the air, and only two weeks away! My costume is almost complete...I am going to be Lizzie Borden! Its a costume I can reuse as a Ghost Host costume so feel it is serving a duel purpose.
My costume actually looks like the one in the picture below. I will have to figure out what to do with my hair though.

Anywhos, I must go and answer phones. The ghost tours are crazy busy and I really need to rest up before the tours tonight.
Congrats on the sale milestone! Great costume! Lizzie bordens story has always fascinated me, but I'm morbid like that....