Today was kind of blah.
I am a bit upset because I pitched a jewelry/marketing book idea to a publisher who strung me along, asked me to write a project outline, get other designers involved, and after a lot of work told me that she did not have the time to commit to my project. SHE didn't have the time?
Then I was wondering why one writes a book. Having written one and been published before, I can tell you it is not for the money. Is it for the fame? No not really. It is to educate, entertain, and hopefully provoke some change in people's perceptions.
So why write a book when I have a blog???
Why can't I give lessons on my blog?
Vblogs are way better then picture tutorials for the more difficult projects anyways.
So my goal is to give a jewelry/metalsmithing lesson a week. For FREE! No need to buy a book, or subscribe to a website.
I'm super excited about this little project.
If my mood is in a positive place tomorrow, I will start Lesson 1 Sawing Copper & Silver
I am the dream child moving through a land of wonders wild and new, in friendly chat with bird or beast...and half believe it true.
Beautiful Jewelry in Silver and Copper

Beautiful Jewelry in Silver and Coper
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